Learning with Me

This site provides information needed by students.


Jarak Titik ke Titik

Dari limas T. ABCD diketahui bahawa segitiga ABC siku-siku di
titik B. AB = 12 cm, BC = 16 cm,
TB = 24 cm, dan garis TB tegak lurus bidang ABC.
Hitunglah jarak antara titik T dan titik tengah AC.

Solusi :

Perhatikan gambar.

AC 2 = √ AB 2 + BC 2
= 12 2 + 16 2
= 20 cm

= ½ x 12 x 16 = 96 cm 2

BE 2 = ½ AB 2 + ½BC 2 - ¼ AC 2
= ½ ( AB 2+ BC 2) - ¼ AC2
= ½ AC 2- ¼ AC 2
= ¼ AC 2 BE = ½ AC
= ½ x 20 = 10 cm

TE = √ TB 2 + BE 2 = 24 2 + 10 2= 676 = 26 cm

Jadi jarak antara titik T dan titik tengah AC adalah 26 cm.

Diketahui kubus ABCD. EFGH, dengan panjang rusuk 6 cm. Titik
P, Q, dan R berturut-turut terletak pada pertengahan garis
dan bidang ADHE.

Tentukan jarak dari titik P ke titk R dan jarak dari titik Q
ke titik R.

Solusi :

Perhatikan gambar

ΔPAR siku-siku di titik A, dengan AP = ½ AB = 3 cm

dan AR = ½ AD 2 + DH 2 = ½ 6 2+ 6 2 = 32 cm


PR = AP 2 + AR 2 = 3 2 + (3 2)2 = 27 = 3 3 cm

Jadi jarak titik P ke titik R adalah 3 3

Perhatikan gambar.

Δ QRS siku-siku di titik S, dengan QS = 6 cm

dan RS = ½ AE = cm , sehingga:

QR = √ QS 2 + R 2 = 6 2 + 3 2= 45= 3 5 cm

Jadi jarak titik Q ke titik R adalah 3 5 cm.


Jika komputer anda terkontaminasi virus dengan ciri-ciri:
1. Setiap kali menghidupkan komputer ada tulisan
"Kata Mutiara (to Loren)
2. search, run dan folder windows pada drive c:/ hilang
3. terdapat folder duplikat bertipe .exe pada setiap
folder, setiap folder duplikat berukuran 216 kb
4. terdapat rose.jpg dan rose.bat

Cara membasminya:
1. Install kaspersky 5.0 bisa di
2. Setelah diinstall sebaiknya masukkan update terbaru
dari kaspersky
3. Scan komputer anda
4. Setelah discan dengan kaspersky semua folder duplikat
akan hilang
5. Install PCMAV, bisa didownload di internet.

PCMAV 1.0 RC11 bisa didownload di

6. Setelah discan dengan PCMAV virus induk (mis. kata
mutiara, rose.jpg, dll) akan hilang, selain itu
windows, search, run dan bagian folder options pada
windows explorer yang hilang akan kembali seperti
7. Sebaiknya kaspersky diupdate setiap minggu dan pcmav
diupdate setiap bulan.

Selamat mencoba!
Silahkan kalau mau sharing masalah virus ini,
tulis di Comment



Questions 1-6

Today, biology is subdivided into hierarchies based on the molecule, the cell, the organism, and the population. Molecular biology, which spans biophysics and biochemistry, has made the most fundamental contributions to modern biology, one of which is the discovery of the mechanism of heredity. Cellular biology is closely linked with molecular biology. To understand the functions of the cell—the basic structural unit of living matter—cell biologists study its components on the molecular level. Organismal biology, in turn, is related to cellular biology. This study of organisms includes their growth and development (developmental biology) and how they function (physiology). Population biology became firmly established as a major subdivision of biological studies in 1970s. Central to this field is evolutionary biology, in which the contributions of Charles Darwin have been fully appreciated after a long period of neglect.

1. The most suitable title for the paragraph is ______

  1. Biology
  2. Subdivision of Biology
  3. Hierarchies of Biology
  4. Development of Biology

2. “…..cell biologists study its components…..” (line 5). “its” in the sentence refers to ______

  1. the cell's
  2. the cell
  3. the cell biologist
  4. the living matter

3. Mechanism of heredity is discovered by ______

  1. the molecular biologists
  2. the cell biologists
  3. the organismal biologists
  4. the population biologists

4. Organismal biology studies ______

  1. the organisms’ growth
  2. the organisms’ development
  3. how organisms function
  4. A, B, C are correct

5. “…..after a long period of neglect.” (line 10) The word “neglect” in the sentence has similar meaning with the word ______

  1. ignorance
  2. disregrad
  3. carelessness
  4. oversight

6. The following statements are TRUE as based on the
paragraph, except ______

  1. The four hierarchies of biology are related to one another
  2. Molecular biology contributes the most to modern biology
  3. Evolutionary biology has been fully accepted long before the 1970s
  4. Cell is the basic structural unit of living matter

Questions 7-13

When certain blood types are mixed, a clumping of the red blood cells occurs. Suppose the wrong type of blood is injected into a person’s veins, clumps formed in the blood might prevent or slow the normal circulation and cause death. A person having type A blood can safely receive only type A or type O blood. Injecting other types would cause clumping in the patient’s blood vessels. A person with type B blood can receive only type B or type O blood. Persons with type AB blood can receive type AB blood or any other three types. This is why persons with type AB blood are called universal receivers. Meanwhile, persons with type O blood are known as universal donors. This means blood from type O persons can be injected into people with other blood types. However, it is best if a person receives his or her own blood type. Type O can be given when it is emergency. Before any blood is injected into a patient’s vessels, it must be carefully cross-matched.

7. A person having type ­­______ blood can get donors of any blood type.

a. B b. A c. O d. AB

8. The type of blood which can be safely received by any person is___________

a. B b. A c. O d. AB

9. “…..clumps formed in the blood…..” (line 2) The word “clumps” in the sentence is similar in meaning with the word ______

10. Which of the following topics is NOT discussed in the paragraph?

  1. the effect of the red blood cells clumping
  2. the cause of the red blood cells clumping
  3. the correct match of blood transfusion
  4. the composition of each blood type

11. “….., it must be carefully cross-matched.” (line 10) The pronoun “it” refers to ______

  1. A person’s veins is the patient
  2. the patient's vissels
  3. the injection
  4. the blood

12. Based on the paragraph, the following statements are TRUE, except ______

  1. A person’s veins is where blood is injected.
  2. Clumping is formed when a person receives wrong type of blood.
  3. Cross-matching of blood types is not necessarily done before the blood transfusion.
  4. Clumps in a person’s blood might result in the death of the person.

Questions 14-20

Everyone knows the small insect called mosquito. It is possible to find mosquitoes in almost every part of the world except in the places where it is extremely cold or where it is very dry. During the summer, it is almost certain that you can find many mosquitoes near swamps, ponds, and lakes.

Mosquitoes have an interesting life cycle. The female mosquito bites a person or animal in order to get some blood. She needs this blood before she can lay her eggs. Second, she flies to an area of water and deposits her eggs in it. In a few days, the eggs open, and the baby mosquitoes, called larvae, come out. In a short time, they will mature and fly away.

It is interesting to note that only the female will bite for blood. She had a special mouth which can go into an animal’s skin or a person’s skin. On the other hand, the male mosquitoes can only think? plant juices with his mouth.

14. The most appropriate title for the text is ______

a. Insects

b. Mosquitoes’ Life Cycle

c. the Mosquito

d. The Female Mosquitoes

15. Mosquitoes cannot be found in ______

16. “…..and deposits her eggs in it.” (line 6) The word “deposits” in the sentence has similar meaning with the following words, except _____

a. place b. lay c. drop d. lift

17. “…..they will mature and fly away.” (line 7) The pronoun “they” refers to ______

a. the mosquitoes b. the eggs c. the baby mosquitoes d. The Female Mosquitoes

18. I. larvae coming out of the eggs

II. biting a person or an animal

III. flying to a water area

IV. mature larvae flying away

V. laying the egg in the water

The correct order to describe the mosquitoes’ life cycle is ______

19. Female mosquitoes lay their eggs in ______

20. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

a. Mosquitoes can be found anywhere in this world.

b. The female mosquito only bites a person.

c. It takes a long time for larvae to mature and fly away.

d. Female mosquitoes have a special mouth to bite for blood.


Fill in the blanks with the best words to complete the sentences!

Questions 21-40

21. He grows crops and raises cattle in his ______

22. Historical objects are usually kept in a ______

23. July : Rom, I’d like you to ______ my father. Dad, this is Romi.

Romi : How do you do, Sir?

24. An ______ likes to eat sweet things.

25. A ______ is a kind of insect which produces honey.

26. Your mother’s sister is your ______

27. Teacher : Parto, answer my question, “Who developed the theory of evolution?”

Parto : I’m ______, Ma’am. Could you repeat your question?

28. Indra : Hey, let’s go to the beach to find some shellfish!

Dhini : That would be fun, but I _____. I have to stay at home.

29. You can call a ______ to carry your luggage at the station.

30. Rio : ______ you get me one of those apples?

Glen : Sure, here you are.

31. He works in a large farm. The underlined word is synonymous with the word ______

32. He breeds a lot of cattle in his ranch. The underlined word cannot be replaced with the word ____

33. The lion in the zoo frightened the little boy. The underlined word has the same meaning with the word ______

34. Tourist : Could you tell me how to ______ to the station, please?

Native : Certainly. Just go staight ahead and take the first turn to the left.

35. A : Did you see the news about the great disaster in Aceh?

B : Yeah, that’s too ______. Let’s hope that the condition will be better soon.

36. Daisy : How about going to Wonosari Tea Garden next week?

Novi : That sounds a good ______. We can have a picnic there.

37. These are parts of a plant, except ______

38. Student A : I think Biology is more difficult than Physics.

Student B : I ______ with you. Biology is the most difficult subject of all.

39. ______ has a hump on its back.

40. X : Do you think we can cheat on the English test tomorrow?

Y : I think you’d ______ stop thinking about it.


Questions 41-60

41. “This food contains a lot of mineral.” Which of the sentence is a verb?

42. “Biology is the science of life.” The word “of” in the sentence is a ______

43. He got an accident because of his ______

44. I ______ that man. He is so arrogant.

45. Reza : Do you see my Biology books, Ji?

Aji : I think ______ there on the table.

46. Mr. Bond ______ in a beautiful house in Malang.

47. I ______ to your birthday yesterday because I was sick.

48. He ______ the Discovery Channel right now.

49. ______ in ghosts?

50. The boy’s parents have passed away. Now, he has to ______ his younger brothers.

51. The room is rather dark. ______ the light, please!

52. A robber ______ the factory last night.

53. The botanist ______ in the botanical garden for years.

54. The farmers ______ the crops yesterday.

55. My father ______ some fertilizers tomorrow.

56. Look at those black clouds! It ______ rain soon.

57. Our immune system ______ to protect us against harmful bacteria.

58. Lime ______ as fertilizers by the Romans during the empire.

59. A tortoise is ______ than a hare.

60. Mike : Oh no, I got a bad score in the Biology test!

Dono : Really? Let me see. Don’t worry, buddy, my score is ______ than yours.

Hi,guys! How are you getting on? Happy Ied! I hope
you’ve had a great holiday so far,but now it’s time
to start thinking about the Final Test ☺.
Remember, the test will cover all the language skills
(Reading,Writing,Listening, and Speaking) + the language
(Vocabulary and Grammar), and here are
some learning strategies you can apply to prepare
for the test. You can take all of them, you can choose
some that you think are the most effective, or you can
have your own way of learning.
® Go through the Unit Summaries on the back pages
of the Student’s Book.
® If you find things you don’t understand, refer to
the main pages of your book or your dictionary,
consult your note book, discuss them with friends,
or ask your lecturer.
® Check your understanding by going over the exercises
there in the Student’s Book and especially, the
® Give more focus on things you haven’t understood well.
® Practice listening (at SAC, for example), and speaking.
® Manage your time well.
® Study hard, and pray a lot.
® One more thing, I’ve compiled some exercises that
are mostly related to Grammar.

~ Wish U best of Luck,‘n c u! ~

Exercise 1: Complete the sentences by using the words in
parentheses. Use the SIMPLE PRESENT or the PRESENT
PROGRESSIVE.Some of the sentences are negative.
Some of the sentences are questions.
Supply the short answer to the questions if necessary.

1. A : Where are the children?
B : In the living room
A : What are they doing? (They, watch) ______ TV?
B : No, ______. They (play) ______ a game.
2. A : My sister (have) ______ a new car. She bought it
last month.
B : (You, have) ______ a car?
A : No, ______. Do you?
B : No, but I have a ten-speed bike.
3. A : Shhh.
B : Why? (The baby, sleep) ______ ?
A : U-huh. She (take) ______ her afternoon nap.
B : Okay, I’ll talk softly. I (want, not) ______ to
wake her up.
4. A : Ron, (be) ______ this your hat?
B : No, ______. It (belong, not) ______ to me.
Maybe it (belong) ______ to Kevin.
Why don’t you ask him about it?
A : Okay.
5. A : Johnny, (you, listen) ______ to me?
B : Of course I am, Mom. You (want) ______ me to
take out
the garbage. Right?
A : Right! And right now!
6. A : What (you, think) ______ about every night before
you fall asleep?
B : I (think) ______ about all of the pleasant things
that happened during the day. I (think, not)
______ about my problems.

Exercise 2: Complete the following dialogues by
using the words in parentheses. Use the SIMPLE PAST.
Give short answers to the questions where necessary.

1. A : (you, go) Did you go to class yesterday?
B : No, I didn’t. I (stay) stayed home
because (feel, not) didn’t feel good.
2. A : (you, sleep) ______ well last night?
B : Yes, ______. I (sleep) ______ very well.
3. A : (Tom’s plane, arrive) ______ on time yesterday?
B : Yes, ______. It (get in) ______ at 6:05 on the dot.
4. A : (you, stay) ______ home and (study) ______
last night?
B : No, ______. I (go) ______ to a new movie,
Pirates of the Caribbean.
A : (you, like) ______ it?
B : It was okay, I guess, but I don’t really like that
kind of movies.
5. A : (Mary, study) ______ last night?
B : No, ______. She (watch) ______ TV.
6. A : (Mark Twain, write) ______ Tom Sawyer?
B : Yes, ______. He also (write) ______
Huckleberry Finn.
7. A : (The children, go) ______ to the zoo yesterday?
B : Yes, ______. And they (have) ______ a wonderful

Exercise 3: Use be going to / the PRESENT PROGRESSIVE
to complete the sentences.

1. (start) The game is going to start / is starting
at 1 tomorrow afternoon.
2. (have) We ______ chicken and pasta for dinner tonight.
3. (walk) I ______ to school tomorrow morning.
4. (leave) The bus ______ at 8:15 tomorrow morning.
5. (begin, end) The exam ______ at 9:00 tomorrow and
______ at 11:00.
6. (get) Have you heard the news? Laura and Jason ______
married in August.
7. (arrive, take) Alex’s plane ______ at 10:14 tomorrow
I can’t pick him up, so he ______ the airport bus into
the city center.

Exercise 4: Use the PRESENT PERFECT to complete the

1. (I, meet)______ Ann’s husband. I met him at a party
last week.
2. (They, know) Bob and Jane are old friends. ______
each other for a long time.
3. (It, be) I don’t like this weather. ______ cold and
cloudy for the last three days.
4. (You, learn) Your English is getting better. ______
a lot of English since you came here.
5. (I, write, not) ______ my sister a letter in a long
time. I should write her soon.
6. (I, meet, never) ______ Nancy’s parents. I hope I get
the chance to meet them soon.
7. (Alice, go, never) ______ to the Museum of Science and
Industry in Chicago, but she would like to.
8. (We, finish, not) ______ this exercise yet.

Exercise 5: Complete the sentences with the words in
parentheses. Use the PRESENT PERFECT or the SIMPLE PAST.

1. A : Have you ever been in Europe?
B : Yes, I have. I (be) have been in Europe several
times. In fact,I (be) was in Europe
last year.
2. A : Have you ever eaten at that Steak House?
B : Yes, I ______. I (eat) ______ there
many times. In fact, my wife and I (eat) ______
there last night.
3. A : When are you going to write your paper for
Dr. Roth?
B : I (write, already) ______ it. I (write)
______ it two days ago.
4. A : When is Jane going to call her parents and tell
them about her engagement?
B : She (call, already) ______ them. She (call)______
them last night.
5. A : (Bob, have, ever) ______ a job?
B : Yes, he ______. He (have) ______ lots of part-time
jobs. Last summer he (have) ______ a job at
his uncle’s waterbed store.

Exercise 6: Choose the correct words in parentheses.

1. Children should obey (his, their) parents.
2. A : Excuse me. Is this (my, mine) dictionary or
(your, yours)?
B : This one is (my, mine). (Your, Yours) is on
(your, yours) desk.
3. The bird cleaned (its, it’s) feathers with (its,
it’s) beak.
4. A : What kind of bird is that?
B : (It’s, Its) a crow.
5. Paula had to drive my car to work. (Hers, Her)
had a flat tire.
6. Julie fell off her bicycle and broke (hers, her)
7. Fruit should be a part of (your, yours) daily
diet. (It, They) (is, are)good for (you, them).
8. a. Adam and Amanda are married. (They, Them)
live in an apartment building.
b. (Their, There, They’re) apartment is on
the fifth floor.
c. We live in the same building. (Our, Ours)
apartment has one bedroom,but (their, theirs)
has two.

Exercise 7: In the following dialogues, the long answer
is given in parentheses. Look at the long answer,
and then make the appropriate YES / NO QUESTION
and SHORT ANSWER to complete each dialogue.
Do not use a negative verb in the question.

1. A : Do you know my brother?
B : No, I don’t. (I don’t know your brother.)
2. A : ______ ?
B : Yes,______ (Jane eats lunch at the cafeteria every
3. A : ______ ?
B : No, ______ (That pen doesn’t belong to me.)
4. A : ______ ?
B : Yes, ______ (The students in this class speak
English well.)
5. A : ______ ?
B : Yes, ______ (I slept well last night.)
6. A : ______ ?
B : No, ______ (Ann and Jim didn’t come to class
7. A : ______ ?
B : Yes, ______ (I’m from Java.)
8. A : ______?
B : No, ______ (The children are naughty.)
9. A : ______ ?
B : Yes, ______ (Tim Wilson is in my astronomy class.)
10.A : ______ ?
B : No, ______ (It wasn’t foggy yesterday.)
11.A : ______ ?
B : No, ______ (I won’t be at home tonight.)
12.A : ______ ?
B : No, ______ (Jason isn’t going to be at work
13.A : ______ ?
B : Yes, ______ (Karen will finish her work before
she goes to bed.)
14.A : ______ ?
B : No, ______ (I can’t play the piano.)
15.A : ______ ?
B : Yes, ______ (Some birds can swim under water.)
16.A : ______ ?
B : Yes, ______ (You should make an appointment to see
the doctor.)
17.A : _______ ?
B : Yes, ______ (You need to make an appointment to see
the manager.)
18.A : ______ ?
B : Yes, ______ (I have a bicycle.)
19.A : ______ ?
B : No, ______ (Greg doesn’t have a roommate.)
20.A : ______ ?
B : Yes, ______ (I have to study tonight.)

Exercise 8: Fill in the blanks with appropriate

1. A : ______ ?
B : T-H-O-M-A-S
2. A : ______ ?
B : I work for Yamaha.
3. A : ______ ?
B : You can call me Marie.
4. A : ______ ?
B : Pretty good, thanks.
5. A : ______ ?
B : He’s my older brother
6. A : ______ ?
B : It’s a great music concert. I love it.
7. A : ______ ?
B : Well, I usually spend my days at home.
I don’t go to school and I haven’t got a job.
8. A : ______ ?
B : I came at 6 p.m.
9. A : ______ ?
B : It’s $ 20.
10.A : ______ ?
B : I prefer the green ones.
11.A : ______ ?
B : I like it a lot.
12.A : ______ ?
B : That’s a good idea. We can go after this.
13.A : ______ ?
B : I’m studying computers this semester.
14.A : ______ ?
B : Everyday. I hardly leave my computer.
15.A : ______ ?
B : Not very well. My brother is much better
than me at playing the guitar.
16.A : ______ ?
B : A month. I just arrived last night.
17.A : ______ ?
B : There is so much. It’s too noisy in my
18.A : ______ ?
B : She is young and pretty.
19.A : ______ ?
B : He’s the old man in sweater.
20.A : ______ ?
B : It’s a bit cold, but it’s a very beautiful city.
21.A : ______ ?
B : You should take an aspirin.
22.A : ______ ?
B : I’d like a cup of hot coffee.
23.A : ______ ?
B : No, thank you. That will be all.
24.A : ______ ?
B : It’s 237 miles from New York City to
Washington D.C.
25.A : ______ ?
B : Mount Everest is 29,028 feet high.
26.A : ______ ?
B : I’m 170 cm tall.
27.A : ______ ?
B : I think English is more difficult than

Exercise 9: Following are some phone conversations.
Complete the dialogues. Use MODALS + I + a verb
from the list. Note: the caller is speaker B.

help leave speak/talk take

1. A : Hello?
B : Hello. Is Dick there?
A : Yes, he is.
B : ______ to him?
A : Just a minute. I’ll get him.
2. A : Hello. Dean Black’s office.
B : ______ to Dean Black?
A : May I ask who is calling?
B : Susan Abbott.
A : Just a moment, Ms. Abbott. I’ll connect you.
3. A : Good afternoon. Dr. Anderson’s office. ______ you?
B : Yes. I like to make an appointment with
Dr. Anderson.
A : Fine. Is Friday Morning at 10 alright?
B : Yes. Thank you. Your name?
4. A : Hello?
B : Hello. ______ to Amelia?
A : She’s not at home right now. ______ a message?
B : No, thanks. I’ll call later.
5. A : Hello?
B : Hello. ______ to Jack?
A : He’s not here right now.
B : Oh. ______ a message?
A : Certainly. I’ll get a pen.

Exercise 10: Following are some phone conversations.
Complete the dialogues. Use MODALS + YOU + a verb.
Note: the caller is speaker B.

answer the phone for me
say that again
get the door for me
turn it down
open the window
turn the volume up
pick some up

1. Teacher : It’s getting hot in here.
Would/Could/Will/Can you please
open the window?
Student : Of course, I’d be happy to./Sure./etc.
Teacher : Thank you./Thanks.
Student : You’re welcome.
2. Friend A : The phone is ringing, but my hands are full.
Friend B : ______________________
Friend A : ______________________
Friend B : No problem.
3. Roommate A : I’m trying to study, but the radio is too
loud. ______________________
Roommate B : ______________________
Roommate A : ______________________
Roommate B : That’s OK. No problem.
4. Sister : I’m trying to listen to the news on TV,
but I cannot hear it.______________________
Brother: ______________________
Sister : ______________________
Brother: Don’t mention it.
5. Husband: Honey, I’m out of razor blades.
When you go to the store,_________________
Wife : ______________________
Husband: ______________________
Wife : Anything else?

Exercise 11: Draw a line to the expressions of quantity
that cannot be used to complete the sentences.

1. I ate ______ fruit.
a. some e. too many
b. several f. too much
c. a little g. a lot of
d. a few h. two
2. I get ______ mail every day.
a. a lot of e. too much
b. some f. too many
c. a little g. several
d. a few h. three
3. There is ______ traffic in the street.
a. several e. a lot of
b. some f. a few
c. too many g. too much
d. a little h. five
4. I ate ______ apples.
a. some e. too many
b. several f. too much
c. a little g. a lot of
d. a few h. two
5. I get ______ letters every day.
a. a lot of e. too much
b. some f. too many
c. a little g. several
d. a few h. three
6. There are ______ cars in the street.
a. several e. a lot of
b. some f. a few
c. too many g. too much
d. a little h. five

Exercise 12: Show that you agree.
Write sentences with the words given.

1. Jack has a mustache.
______________________ (Tom, too)
2. Sara was at home last night.
______________________ (I, so)
3. Karen hasn’t seen that movie yet.
______________________ (you, either)
4. I don’t like horror movies.
______________________ (Alice, neither)
5. California is on the West Coast.
______________________ (Oregon, so)
6. Wales are mammals.
______________________ (porpoises, too)
7. I have a car.
______________________ (your brother, so)
8. Jim can’t speak Arabic.
______________________ (Dick, neither)
9. Rob won’t join us for lunch.
______________________ (Erin, either)

Exercise 13: Give the COMPARATIVE and the SUPERLATIVE
forms of the following adjectives.

1. high ~ higher, the highest
2. careful ~
3. slow ~
4. active ~
5. funny ~
6. wet ~
7. sweet ~
8. late ~
9. thin ~
10.clean ~
11.serious ~
12.good ~
13.bad ~
14.clear ~
15.happy ~
16.confusing ~
17.courageous ~
18.common ~
19.friendly ~
20.red ~
21.wild ~
22.confusing ~

Exercise 14: Complete these sentences. Use the
comparative or the superlative of the words given.

1. Alaska is (large) ______ Texas.
2. Alaska is (large) ______ state in the US.
3. Old shoes are usually (comfortable) ______ new shoes.
4. I have one sister and one brother. My sister is (young)
______ in the family.
5. Mark’s knife was (sharp) ______ a razor blade.
6. I like Chinese food (good) ______ French food.
7. What is (embarrassing) ______ experience you’ve
ever had?
8. My hometown is (friendly) ______ place I’ve ever
been to.

………The End………


As we come closer to the free trade era where products, information, and technology will be spreading much more rapidly than today, mastering English as the first international language is a need and a must. The government has surely realized that; therefore, English has been taught as a compulsory subject in junior and senior high school. Unfortunately, as it is widely known, the result is not yet satisfactory. This condition has aroused awareness of the importance of English teaching at the earlier level, that is, at the primary school. There are some considerations related to the children’s condition that support the awareness. First, children have more opportunities than adults. Second, their brain is more adaptable before puberty than after. Third, they have fewer negative attitudes to foreign languages; thus, they are better motivated. The last, they are learning all the time without having the worries and responsibilities of adults. So, it’s very logical that many people think studying English at earlier level can make the children acquire English more easily. However, there are still many other factors to consider. One very important factor would be teacher. It’s no doubt that teachers play an important role in the teaching of English to young learners (EYL). Their methods of teaching would very much affect the learning outcomes. As a candidate for teacher, I realize this great responsibility, and I’m so grateful for having had the chance to attend courses, like EYL and TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language), because I’m sure that I have gained a lot of principles, concepts, and experiences from the courses about children’s characteristics, classroom management, teaching language skills and components, teaching tools, lesson plan, and others, which makes me more confident to be an English teacher, particularly to young learners.
One crucial principle on teaching EYL that I still hold until now is giving the students exposure to English as much as possible. We accustom their ears to listening to English, their mouth to speaking English, and their eyes to seeing nothing but English. I’m sure it can be done but certainly not in haste. We should consider the students’ receptive ability and their linguistic level, so that they won’t get bored or even sick of English, and everything we give and everything they do will sustain in their memory and are significant for their learning. We should try to communicate in English with them most of the time and avoid much translation. Instead, we’d better use clues, such as, body movement, facial expression, or demonstration, to convey our message. We can start by having small conversations that is habitual, like greetings, asking whether or not they understand our explanation or have a question, or asking them things related to the topic and their daily lives. We can teach them to use key words when they want to go to the restroom, borrow something from their friends, say sorry, thank people, and any other activity which they commonly do in or outside the classroom. In this way, we train them to use the language in context; therefore, their ears and their mouth will be more easily accustomed to English. Usually, when children learn something new, they will try to show it off to people, so, it is hoped that they will practice the English words they’ve learned whenever and wherever. We should encourage the existence of peer correction since we can’t always keep an eye on every children every time. Moreover, it’s not good for teachers to do constant and direct correction. We should encourage them to remind each other; however, we should emphasize to the students that making mistake is normal, so when they correct their friends’ English, it is not meant to be discouraging. We can give them examples of how to make positive correction. So, we begin an English campaign in the classroom; we speak English and we ask them to listen and repeat, and we teach them how to respond to our speech. Another point is accustoming the students to seeing nothing but English. We can try out the concept of print-rich class environment. We label everything in the classroom: blackboard, table, chair, wall, duster, window, door, and even floor. As long as we do it neatly, nobody would mind. We don’t need to ask the students to memorize the words because they will do it unintentionally. We can also ask them to label their own things, anything they have, especially their school equipment, using English. We provide them with a special board to pin on things, such as, their drawings, writings, posters, or anything they produce in the English class and anything related to English that they like. Young children respond well to surroundings which are pleasant and familiar. It would be much better if we can have an English corner: a special room in the corner where the students can find not only board but also a rug or a pile of cushions, or small chairs and a shelf containing English story books and magazines to read, stationery to write with, and toys to play with during the break time or in a special time allotted during the lesson. In this way, we teach them to learn and enjoy English with their senses. Later on, when they’re already used to listening to, speaking, and seeing English, they will try to find, by themselves, media for language exposure outside the class, and this will obviously help them learn English and lighten our work as teachers.

Another principle that I believe to be able to promote effective and enjoyable English learning is definitely fun. Children have short concentration span and get bored easily. One way that has proven to be useful to keep them motivated is giving them fun learning activities. Songs,rhymes, games, and stories are the common examples of classroom fun. We can use songs to teach the students English sounds or alphabets, to reinforce vocabulary, or to have fun. We can also use sons as background music while they are working on another task. There are many songs specially created for the EYL teaching, so we can just pick one good song that is relevant to the topic of our discussion. Or else, we can find a popular modern song, change the lyrics of a song or even create our own song. Teaching rhymes is an activity which enables the students to have fun by playing with the language since rhymes are repetitive and have natural rhythm. Once they know a rhyme, they would try to repeat it again and again, unconsciously learning pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. Another practical activity which is inseparable from the teaching of EYL would be games. I think we can use games for any topic we discuss with the students. Games can be a kind of reward or an additional activity placed at the end of the lesson, yet it can also be a part of teaching learning process. They can reduce the students’ boredom, create an exciting atmosphere, and give the chance to them to move about; thus, they don’t have to sit still during the whole lesson. The last example of fun activity, which are commonly done in the classroom, is related to stories. We can tell or read the students a story. But first, we should choose a story that fits the student’s age, ability, and context, and also our own interest. Another important thing is how to perform the story; we should accompany our speech with adequate degree of movement and facial expression. What I’ve written above probably looks not more than theories, but I can tell that from my EYL course and from my daily life, I’ve learned many kinds of songs, rhymes, games, and stories, and I’ve seen and experienced the application. Those activities are undoubtedly significant for the English language teaching (ELT) in primary school, and integrating them in my teaching would be of my best interest.

Still another thing to consider when talking about EYL is the use of instructional media. “Don’t rely too much on textbook!”. This is the principle I’ve always born in mind. We should use varied techniques in teaching children, and media would be an excellent variation if it is used appropriately and proportionally. Picture cards are the most commonly used media so far. They can be taken from any source as long as they are relevant with the topic, give contribution to the learning outcomes, and are appropriate with the children’s characteristics. They can function as still pictures when we use them to explain a topic, or function as flash cards when we use them to drill the students. There are still many other kinds of media that can help us in teaching, such as, realia, real objects, flip charts, transparencies, word or sentence cards, big book, toys, puppets, classroom mascot, and so on. We can use real objects to introduce new vocabulary; flip charts to explain words' antonyms, numbers, or contrastive situation; transparencies to tell a story, describe a process, explain something gradually, or to save time for not having to write on the board; class mascot, a puppet or a doll which is belong to the whole class, to accompany us and the students. We can act as the mascot by changing our voice, then we can talk to the students, so that we won’t have to speak too much as a teacher, which may have been very boring for the students. After the lesson, we can leave the mascot in the class, so that the students can have free dialogue or play with him/ her. Those are only a few examples of media’s functions, because actually, media can be used in an unlimited number of ways. In fact, we will always need media to facilitate our teaching. It’s not an impossible thing; we can buy the media or make it by ourselves. The principle is that when there's a will, there's a way. Besides those kinds of visual media, we should also provide the students with supplementary materials, such as authentic materials and cassettes. Magazines, newspapers, and recorded English speech would be a very helpful variation in our teaching. Talking about media, we may not forget that technology has been of great help in teaching EYL. It is unfortunate that it is not yet widely used in Indonesia, and when compared to other Asian countries, we’re already left behind. However, better late than never. We can start to learn a lot of how to make use of, for example, Microsoft Power Point, interactive learning CD-ROM, or any other computer programmes, which have proven to be very exciting, interesting, as well as educational for the students. So, we’ve discussed a lot about media, which has surely justified many people’s idea that it’s important. Nevertheless, we may not forget about textbook. We can’t rely too much on it, but we still always need it because it’s something that is most accessible by the students. They can open it, bring it, learn from it, and do exercises in it anytime they want; therefore, selecting a good textbook for our class is not less important.

Exposing the students to English, integrating fun activities and using media in teaching, all need a high degree of patience, creativity, willingness, and dedication especially in the part of the teacher, and also, not less importantly, the support from the students themselves, their parents, fellow teachers, principle, and the government. Let’s just talk about the teacher’s part. I believe that we can build our creativity if we want to. We should continue learning, so that we can gain new ideas and apply them in the classroom. We should dare to try out the new ideas, yet we shouldn’t do it carelessly. It should be well-planned and organized: we think about the objectives and the procedure, how to conduct it in the classroom. In this case, we can reduce the probability of failure. Even though we fail, for example, with our media: the students are not interested in it or it doesn’t help the teaching learning process, we shouldn’t throw it away. We have to do an evaluation first, to find what is wrong, whether it’s about the media itself, how we handle it, about our classroom management, or perhaps the media is just not appropriate with the students’ characteristics and irrelevant with the topic. We should know what mistakes we’ve done, so that we can learn from them. There's always trial and error. Teaching English to young learners has to be done carefully and not in rush. It’s not easy, and certainly needs patience and hard work. I personally realize that, but I have, again, one principle, that once I chose this profession, I’ve already had the commitment of devoting my life to the success of my students in learning English.



The Bone Collector

Cast: Denzel Washington as Lincoln Rhyme

Angeline Jolie as Amelia Donaghy

Leland Orser as Richard Thompson


Lincoln Rhyme was a very genius police officer assigned in NYPD at the CSI (Crime Scene Investigation). He wrote a lot books about forensics. When he was on duty investigating a murder, he got an accident that made him totally paralyzed. Since then, he had to stay in bed surrounded by many kinds of equipment, from medical equipment to electronical ones, such as computers, monitor, and telephone. He could not move his whole body except his head and his fingers, which he used to press the buttons in both sides of his bed, so that he could operate the elecronical machines. He still could talk, was still working as a policeman, and did his work from his bed by using his genius brain and the machines. He was also fully paid by the NYPD. One day, a mysterious murder happened, and the first police officer who examined the crime scene was Amelia, a traffic policewoman. She took some pictures of the scene. Linc was assigned to find the murderer, and he directly took some actions to solve the case by gathering some police officers to become the members of his team. He also asked Amelia to join the team since he was very impressed with her work on examining the crime scene. And so, the team started to collect evidence and began the investigation. The murder was genius though. He did his crime very neatly, and he always left some mysterious clues for the police. The clues could lead them to the next target of the serial killings, but every time Linc found out the meaning, the murderer had already killed the victim. The killings continued to happen until the murderer came to his main target, who was Linc himself. It turned out that the murderer was Richard Thompson, the one who took care of Lincoln’s medical apparatus. He did all the murders to take revenge on Linc because he felt that Linc had ruined his life and made him suffered. By the time Richard was about to stab Linc, Amelia showed up and shot Richard. In the end, Richard died and Linc survived. He was not staying in bed anymore; instead, he used a wheel chair, a sophisticated one, of course.

The Kinesics of the Good Guys

v Lincoln Rhyme

Linc had the required characteristics of a good police officer as well as a nice person. He was brave, firm, tough, smart, emotionally stable, wise, and understanding. Moreover, he had a strong leadership and intuition. This judgement is based on the way he talked and the kinesics he used. His kinesics mostly involves eye gaze and facial expression, and occasionally head

¨ When Linc wanted to speak seriously with someone, his eyes usually were fixed upon the person and hardly any smile could be seen.
He maintained the intensive eye contact until the talk was over. This is shown in some scenes, such as, when he asked Amelia to work with him in investigating the serial killings, and when he described the jobs of each members of the team, and ordered them to do
their respective jobs.

¨ In other time, when Linc was criticized, he would only smile slightly with no look of anger in his face. It happened in one scene where Amelia protested him for being authoritative in asking her to join his team.

¨ Although Linc was a firm police officer, he could act wisely in some occasions. When Amelia didn’t want to examine the first victim’s body because she couldn’t stand seeing the condition, Linc didn’t look angry with her. Instead, he tried to encourage her to do the work. Still, Amelia didn’t want to and she even intended to resign from the team. Linc called her and was able to make her tell her bad experience, and with his comforting eyes, he told her that he understood everything and convinced her to rejoin the team.

¨ When making analysis by recalling his memory
and thinking seriously, Linc’s eyes were either blinking or focused on no direction without
blinking. It was sometimes combined with contracted eyebrows.

¨ When observing things related to the crime, such as the evidence or the clues, Linc’s eye gaze was very sharp examining and analyzing the things while also pressing the buttons in the sides of his bed.

¨ Linc was not afraid to show his dislike to even a high-rank police officer. He was not hesitate to only look at the person he disliked with one eye and then looked away, or even not looking at all, but only using head movement to respond to what the person’s saying. We can find it in one scene where a bad police officer named Howard came to his place.

¨ Linc was very intuitive. When Richard came to kill him, he had already felt that there’s
something wrong before Richard told him everything. He had already tried to call the police station by pressing the buttons with his fingers silently. However, he had to say something on the phone and this was the moment when Richard knew what he was up to.

¨ Linc’s genius brain was still working even though he’s in a very difficult situation. In a scene
where he’s going to be killed by Richard and he was obviously helpless, he could find a way to postpone the murder, that is, by biting Richard’s neck and making him injured.

As an ordinary person, Linc still showed his sentimental side in some occasions.

¨ When Linc was asked to have a break by his crew since his health condition was decreasing, he looked angry, but not long afterwards, his eyes revealed his sadness. He was actually desperate with his condition and he had even signed an agreement for euthanasia. However, he could conceal everything and still became a brave and tough leader for the rest members of the team.

¨ Linc also showed sad eyes in the scene where he saw the victims of the murders, who were usually badly wounded.

¨ Linc’s happiness could still be seen in some scenes, like when he made a friendly smile while joking with Thelma, his nurse, or when he smiled slightly seeing Amelia’s good job which showed that he was proud and happy with it.

¨ Linc was paralyzed, but his feeling toward woman was not vanished. He knew that Amelia’s got feeling on him and when looking at her, his eyes showed that he felt the same way especially in some scenes where they were in a very close distance.

v Amelia Donaghy

Amelia Donaghy is not way different from Lincoln Rhyme, except that she’s a woman. She is also a good police officer, a brave, smart, tough, responsible, self-reliant, and careful one. Although she is a woman, she could cope with her colleagues and did her job as well as they did. It is shown by her kinesics, which can be identified as follows:

Ø Eye gaze

¨ She always looked directly at the eyes of the person she was talking to.

¨ She used friendly eye gaze when seeing a child who gave her information about a murder,
so that the child would not be afraid and worried.

¨ When she felt that she had to defend herself, she tended to look at the eyes of the
person she was talking to more strongly.

¨ When her supervisor asked her to change her current job and moved to his division she
looked directly at him even though he was her supervisor.

¨ When she was asked to see and observe another victim, Mrs. Rubin, her eyes gave a sign
of shock and sadness, but she tried to be strong

If she felt touched, she could not hide it from her eyes. She even cried when she was
reminded of her late father and her eyes showed pain, sadness and disappointment. When she experienced or saw a very sad moment like when a young girl’s grandfather was murdered, she also could not resist on crying.

Ø Body movement

Her movements were fast and she had a good reflex. She moved very fast, carefully and well arranged when she heard about the news of murder as if it had been her habit as a member of police department when she heard any bad news.

She carefully and thoroughly took pictures of events around the crime scenes that
might become important evidence.

When she walked with her man colleagues, she did it as fast as her colleagues did.

She was so curious when she was in the place where the murders had happened that she
walked slowly and cautiously examining her surroundings

Ø Proximity

She kept around fifty centimeters distance when she talked to the child she found in the first crime scene.

She kept around fifty centimeters distance from her colleagues when she walked with them.

Ø Posture

She bent her back when she talked to a child so that her position was almost the same
with the child.

She is very sturdy in the way she was standing, sitting, and walking.

Ø Facial expression

She talked to Lincoln Rhyme when he urged her to change her position with an expression of a strong and tough person to defend her position

She looked very shocked and disappointed when she found the victim of the murder,Mrs. Rubin, but she kept on being tough and doing her job, collecting the signs of the murder.

The Kinesics of the Bad Guy

Frankly speaking, the bad guy was rarely shown in the film. Everytime he did the murder, he
was wearing a mask. So it was difficult to see his facial expression. Fortunately, his body movement and eye gaze can still be identified. And luckily, in the end of the film, when he tried to kill his last victim, he wasn’t wearing a mask. The kinesics of Richard Thompson as the bad guy (murderer) can be identified as follows:

Ø Eye gaze

When Richard look at his victims, he used a threatening gaze. He gazed at the victim with sharp look and lack of blinking. From his eyes, it could be seen that he was a cold-blooded murderer.
He tended to sweep the room finding a victim with his eyes. He always used steady gaze when he looked at people.

Ø Body movement/ posture

The bad guy rarely moved his body. He didn’t like to move here and there without any purpose. When he drove a taxi and the victims screamed and yelled, he kept driving, he did not turn back, he ignored the victims. His ignorance scared the victim. No matter what the victim did, he kept driving without feeling bothered.

Some exceptions happened to Richard when he came to his last victim, Linc. Since Richard had
known Linc very well and Linc was the reason why he did all the murders, Richard did something that he had not done to other victims. When he wanted to kill Linc, Richard was talking much. He tended to get closer to Linc.
Usually he rarely moved, but in front of his last victim, he often moved. He used to be very calm but in this case, he was careless and did everything in a hurry. He did many mistakes that he couldn’t succeed in killing Lincoln.

Ø Proximity

The murderer always took a distance with his victims. After he handcuffed the victim, he stayed away from her/him. He approached the victim, touched her/his body only it he wanted to hurt her/him, like cutting the victim’s body with knives. After that, he moved away. When he came to his victim, he walked slowly, steadily, with heavy step.

Ø Facial Expression

Fortunately, we can see the bad guy’s facial expression in the last part of the film. He smiled with sly face. His eyebrows went down near his eyes and he stared at Linc sharply with anger. When Linc could make him injured, his face showed pain. However, the more pain he felt, the more angry he got. He was shaking when he expressed these two feelings, pain, and anger.

So, it can be seen that people’s kinesics can reveal many things, their characteristics, feelings, intention, and so on. Just like in the movie, the characters do not show that they’re the good guys or the bad guys merely through their speech or the style, but also their kinesics. In real life, other people can also see who we really are from the combination of what we say, how we say it, and what kinesics we made.



Speech, like dress, can have different styles depending on the situation. Style itself refers to the selection of linguistic forms to convey social or artistic effects. It forms a communication system in its own right, one that determines how a social interaction will proceed, or if it will proceed at all. If it is to continue, style tells how, whether formally or informally. It may also tell listeners how to take what is being said: seriously, ironically, humorously, or in some other way.

Style uses all the resources of language: tone of voice, different ways of pronouncing sounds, even choice of words and grammar themselves. When the style of an utterance contradicts the meaning of the words and grammar, the style is often believed. This is because style tells us how to interpret a message. The followings are
some samples –taken from my personal experiences and the people in my
surroundings’— of style vs. words, choice of words, and tone of voice.

A. Style vs. words

1. I always find difficulties of getting up in the morning especially in this fasting month. One morning, when it’s only 15 more minutes left before “Imsak”, I was still on my bed, very hesitate to get up. Then, my mother came to my room, and said, “Terusno turumu nak, enak-enakno, sek esuk kok.” What happened next was that I got off my bed with my eyes still closed.

2. One day, my sister and I went to our auntie’s. we were there for along time until there was a call from my mother. She said, “Wis nak, ojok moleh, nginepo kono ae mesisan.”
3. When we came to somebody’s house as a guest, we sometimes said, “Gak usah ngombe wis, gak perlu repot-repot.” Still, the host or the hostess would give us something to drink. I myself preferred trusting in words, so when I was asked not to make drinks, I wouldn’t, though the style showed the opposite.

B. Tone of voice

1. A very old friend of mine called me one day. I was happy and surprised to receive the call because it’s been a long time. so I said to him, “Hey, yok opo kabare, rek?”
enthusiastically. After a few days, he called me again very early in the morning. I was thinking that there’s something wrong and I asked him, “Onok opo?” with a rising tone.
Apparently, he wanted to tell me that our friend’s mother was dead. In the other day, he called me when I was trying hard to sleep, which made me in a bad mood. After I knew that it was he who called, I just said flatly, “Oh yo, onok opo?. After that call, he never called me anymore. It is very probable that he felt offensed by my very lazy
2. Many people made phone calls to my house the day my uncle died. I was the only person in the house, so I had to receive all the calls, which asked the same things, whether my uncle was really dead, and when he would be buried. Then, there’s one call asking similar information, “Pak H. Faroid meninggal ya?” I answered in usual tone, “Ya, betul.” Then he said, “Kapan dimakamkannya? Ini dari Ustadz Ali.” Apparently, the caller was a very respectable person in my hometown. Thus, I changed my voice tone and my style of speech also changed drastically. I tried to be as polite as possible when speaking and I even nodded my head during my speech to show my respect, though he wouldn’t see my action.
3. One day, my friends and I met our lecturer who’s got his hand injured. Then another friend passed by and just said to him, “what’s the matter with you?” The
message seemed to be the same as the words “What’s got into you, do you have a
problem with me?” Of course, this was not what she intended to say, however, her tone, and perhaps, her choice of words made her speech sound like that. Fortunately, my lecturer seemed not to feel anything and just made a big smile.

4. Before the Extensive Reading class, some of us had a chat together outside. Then one of us asked the other one, “Hei, koen kate public presentation opo private?” she answered, “Sak karepku tah.” The tone told us that she said that as humour, so we laughed at that time. However, when she asked a question, we felt that we had a chance to take revenge, so we responded the same way as she did before, and we laughed together.

C. Choice of words

1. One day, I got on a “mikrolet”, and when trying to find a seat, I stepped on somebody’s feet. I spontaneously yelled, “Eh, sorry, sorry Pak!” I was right that he was a man, but he was already old. I realized that I had just used the wrong choice of word, and he justified my thought by looking at me unpleasantly.

2. My father got a letter one day, from a store in Malang saying that he could get an interesting prize without having to buy anything before. It’s due to the store’s anniversary or something, I forget what it was. Since we often got such kinds of letters, I tried to call the store first. I asked whether the content of the letter was
true or not. I also mentioned the name of the event in English as written in the envelope. Actually, there’s also the Indonesian version, but I meant to say it in English to make me sound more sophisticated. It seemed that it worked, since the receiver then gave a long explanation of the procedure and the conditions to get the prizes, which make me and my father more convinced of not going to the store.

3. When I was gathering with my family, somebody knocked at my door. My mother, who’s apparently totally convinced that it was my father, said, “Opo ae Pak, katek tok tok barang, wong nggowo kunci ngono.” There’s no answer, but then we heard an unfamiliar voice saying, “Assalamu’alaikum.”, which was surely not my father’s. My mother and my sisters suddenly ran away leaving me alone in the living room. I opened the door and there was a face of a stranger in front of me. Obviously, my mother had used wrong choice of words, though not intentionally.
4. I often greet my friends using different words based on the degree of the friendship. I greet some of them by calling their names. That is usual. When I met some others, I may say, “Lapo koen?” Still to some others, I greet them by saying,
Hei, tuyul dan mbak yul, nang endi?”.

So it is clear that style can indicate many things through its features. By using different tone and different words, we can show our moods, our feelings, our social status and educational level, etc, to our conversational partners. We can also reveal our consideration about someone, whether or not we consider him/her our close person, and what kind of interaction we want to have with him/ her. Style can suggest what’s really inside us despite the words we use to cover it. So, be careful, if you want to lie, make sure that your style of speech will not disclose it.


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